The first thing you need to understand about making a commitment is that no one can hand you a magic wand.
Today a good many of the folks feel we live in a liberal society with a mindset that continually expects instant gratification. And yes it is easy to fall for that kind of thinking but don’t wait for it to happen just out of the blue. One could starve waiting to win the lottery.
If wishful thinking was all it took none of us would be too fat but all of us would be too rich. Agree?
Anyone who is serious about establishing a solid footing that will result in long term success must be willing to make a commitment.
It is a given though, once you find your calling and are really serious about it your commitment will be easy.
Remember the “Ham & Eggs” story? The chicken may have been involved but that pig was committed.
Your goals and your passion to fulfill your commitment will lead to your success.